It is a norm among people to instantly look at someone’s face, especially if it’s the first time. A person with a perfect symmetrical face is considered attractive. If you want to enhance your facial profile, this is a useful page to read.
What is symmetry?
Symmetry is the extent where one-half of the object is the same as the other half. Facial symmetry is the most commonly talked about wherein it is a specific measure of bodily symmetry. The facial symmetry is one of the traits observed in the health, physical attractiveness, and beauty of a person or animal. In human faces, it increases the ratings of attractiveness.
Symmetrical face as a factor of beauty
People can easily tell attractiveness and beauty just by a mere look in the face. They have different criteria to consider a face attractive. However, only a few can tell precisely why those faces are attractive. Researchers began to find answers on how to convey precise beauty.
You can tell a face is symmetrical if both of the left and right sides look like each other. It may not look as perfect as it can be, but we can observe similar and close proportions between each side.
This condition applies mostly to women. They are the most common subject to undergo facial observations. For instance, looking at the distance of the centre between the eyes, the distance between the eyes and the mouth, or even the width of their faces.
Criteria of beauty for women has become wider and intense. Sometimes, it becomes beyond expectation and too tight, that women may tend to lose self-esteem in the long run. However, in reality, it is sporadic to find a perfect symmetrical face since no face is absolutely equal.
For this reason, professionals in the cosmetic world continuously discovered procedures or treatments to achieve a symmetrical face.
Common causes of asymmetrical faces
There are factors possibly affecting a person’s facial symmetry. Respectively, we have indicated a few of them below.
- Genetics: It affects facial symmetry based on the genetic conditions running in the family. Cleft lip and palate and vascular disorders are common examples of genetic health conditions that bring about asymmetrical features.
- Aging: Aging increases facial symmetry. The bones may stop growing, but the cartilage continues to grow as people age. The nose and ears are continuously growing. In this case, it contributes to the asymmetry in human faces.
- Dental work: At the moment that a person undergoes dental procedures, such as extraction or usage of dentures, it causes facial asymmetry. It causes changes to the natural contours of the face.
- Lifestyle: Smoking is one of the lifestyle choices that can cause facial asymmetry. It exposes the face to toxins that can cause vascular problems. Additional examples are either sleeping on your stomach, having poor posture or resting face using your hands.
- Injury: In case that you have experienced an injury, either during childhood or in adulthood, it can cause asymmetry, especially if the damage happened in the face.
- Stroke: It typically occurs if a patient experience a reduced blood flow to the brain. The common sign of stroke is facial drooping. This condition has to undergo immediate medical care.
- Bell’s palsy: It is a condition wherein facial nerves experience paralysis. It causes a less or complete inability to move one side of the face.
Treatments to improve symmetry
People who aim a symmetrical face often undergo a consultation with cosmetic surgery professionals. They want to try methods that can make their appearance more symmetrical. There are also recommended facial exercises that can help achieve a perfect symmetrical face.
Common facial exercises
- Partial Wink
- Facial Stretch
- Cheek Toning
- Facial Yoga
Facial workouts can help restore the balance on the facial tissues. They can contribute to achieving a perfect symmetrical face.
Cosmetic surgery procedures
Fillers: Cosmetic surgeons insert a “soft filler” in the face through injection to correct the asymmetry. Fillers correct the tissue imbalance or muscle weakness. However, fillers don’t last forever, and effects will fade sooner or later.
- Facial implants: If skeletal structure imbalances cause facial asymmetry, facial implants are the best option. This option is permanent. Silicone, metals, plastics, gels or proteins are the materials composing the facial implants in particular.
- Rhinoplasty: A broken or the unflattering shape of the nose can also cause facial asymmetry. With the help of a trusted surgeon in AU Rhinoplasty Sydney, the rhinoplasty surgery can help the nose appear symmetrical or regain good shape from any injury or trauma.
- Orthognathic surgery: It corrects the asymmetry of the facial skeleton as well as align the jaws.
- Chin surgery: This specifically focuses on the chin in terms of size or its definition.
Food for thoughts!
With or without a perfect symmetrical face, you can be beautiful. A perfect symmetrical face is not the complete definition of your personality. However, you can do what makes you comfortable with yourself and what can heighten your self-esteem.