Our physical appearance is a significant factor that plays a big role in our daily lives. Not only does it affect our confidence, but it also determines our first impression towards each other. The introduction of cosmetic surgery has been a major player in our perspectives regarding aesthetic appearance. According to this surgeon who performs rhinoplasty in Sydney, cosmetic surgery influences our mental health, leading to plastic surgery addiction. We all understand the need or the longing to look good physically. However, we must learn how to control our impulse. We will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of cosmetic surgery and the risks involved in the procedure. We hope that this article will shed new light on plastic surgery addiction and its effects on our mental health.


What is Plastic Surgery Addiction?

Plastic surgery addiction or cosmetic surgery addiction is a mental health condition classified as a behavioural disorder. The general effect causes a person to want to change their physical appearance through cosmetic surgery impulsively. They become obsessed with beauty, but the results leave them craving for more. The changes don’t make them happier, albeit, they feel more dissatisfied. The impulse derives from insecurity which is a common emotion for all of us at some degree. Although people who suffer from plastic surgery addiction may a have a more difficult time dealing with this emotion and its adverse mental health effects.cosmetic clinic chair The initial procedure typically provides a positive experience; however, they are more inclined to find a flaw sooner or later. This line of thinking causes them to undergo another procedure and spend thousands of dollars without satisfaction.

Plastic surgery addiction can quickly escalate to a serious problem, especially if they become obsessed with it. In some cases, people try to enhance or modify their physical appearance to imitate their celebrity idols. Although some doctors refuse to perform the procedure to people that do not need the surgery, some less-qualified doctors offer the method. These individuals put their patients at high risks of infection and other adverse health effects.


Risks of Plastic Surgery Addiction

Cosmetic surgery is an invasive process that is intended to enhance the physical appearance of our body. Whether its part of the face, limbs, or body, the process involves risks like any other surgery. The efficacy depends on the skills of your plastic surgeon. So, if you decided to have plastic surgery, please look for a well-qualified doctor for the job. Here is the list of the risks that you need to consider before you undergo a plastic surgery procedure:

  • Blood clot
  • Scars
  • Bruises
  • Swelling
  • Collapsed muscles
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Damaged nerve
  • Dead tissues
  • Infection
  • Pneumonia
  • Prolonged natural healing
  • Anesthetic administration risks like: shock, heart failure, allergic reaction and coma


The Body Dysmorphic Disorder

This type of mental disorder causes the person to overthink imagined or real physical flaws in their body. The condition affects the person’s confidence in a dramatic way. For example, the person may spend countless hours looking at themselves in the mirror to find flaws and imperfections. It makes them insecure and unsatisfied with cosmetic surgery results. It can happen to people of all ages, including both genders. In the worst-case scenarios, the body dysmorphic disorder may lead to depression, anxiety, or suicide. People with plastic surgery addiction are most likely to develop this mental health disorder. Their initial reaction is to undergo as much surgery as possible until they reach a satisfying stage. However, these individuals rarely reach that state of mind. Instead, they become more and more addicted to enhancing their physical appearance.


When to Seek Medical Help

People who are addicted to plastic surgery are at risk of developing body dysmorphic disorder. Chances are, they may put their health at risk if left untreated. It’s never too late for a person to seek advice or ask for their doctors’ assistance to correct the behaviour. Many qualified doctors can help by using CBT or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. The main purpose of CBT is to help people overcome their problematic thoughts and feelings. This method is proven to be especially effective against several mental health disorders like:

  • Plastic surgery addiction
  • Body Dysmorphic Disorder
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • Eating Disorder
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder


The Benefits of Medical Treatment

The best way to correct plastic surgery addiction is through therapy. The main focus of these sessions is to make the person realise the insignificance of the procedure. It emphasises on the rationality of the things they experience and proves that too many procedures are illogical. The cognitive behavioural therapists are experts when it comes to the right methods for their patients. Make the first step by admitting that you are addicted to plastic surgery, then consult your doctor. The rest should fall into place accordingly.

Here are the Benefits:

  • Helps dismiss insecurities and false beliefs about negative thoughts
  • Promotes self-help tools to improve one’s mood
  • Enhances communication skills
  • Helps recognise the triggers
  • Helps avoiding negativity
  • Helps with coping what is right



Plastic surgery addiction should not control our way of life. Just because we don’t look good, doesn’t mean that our peers and family do not accept us. We strongly recommend consulting your doctor whenever you experience any form of insecurity that affect your lifestyle. Always remember that seeking assistance is never a sign of weakness. On the contrary, it is a sign of strength and willingness to overcome all kinds of adversity.

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