woman covering her ears

How To Deal With Noise Sensitivity?

Noise sensitivity is known as Hyperacusis in medical terms. This is a condition that makes it hard for an individual to handle loud sounds. For some people, noise can be a nuisance even though the people around them don’t even notice the sound of it. How to deal with noise sensitivity? There are several ways for you to deal with the bothering noise such as listening to music or by using a volume button for your ears.

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wife and husband not in mood

How To Deal With People Who Are Always In A Bad Mood?

It’s normal for humans to be a little under the weather from time to time. However, feeling grumpy, unexplainable mood swings, and feeling sad all of a sudden could be due to issues with mental health. There are many reasons why someone is always in a bad mood, according to a psychologist in Southbank, VIC, an underlying medical condition might be responsible for why someone presents odd emotional displays.

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is anxiety attack fatal

Can You Die From A Panic Attack? (Coping with Anxiety Disorders)

Did you ever experience an overwhelming anxiety attack that causes you to be in severe distress? You start to get a feeling where your heart begins to raise as if it could jump right out of your chest. During worse cases, you find it difficult to breathe at all. At this point, you might find yourself wondering if stress and anxiety can kill you.

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friends using cellphone

Does Social Media And Self-Esteem Have Direct Link With Each Other?

It’s no secret that social media is dominating each and every country by storm. Research shows that about 3.8 billion people use different kinds of social media worldwide. The majority of these users are of the younger generation between the age of 18 to 24 years old. This is the reason why it’s safe to say that social media and self-esteem are connected in some way. Other things can also affect one’s self-esteem, for instance, missing front teeth might hurt your self-image

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